Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của công ty với English Vocabulary in Use từ bỏ dienmay.edu.vn.Học những từ bạn cần giao tiếp một giải pháp tự tin.

Bạn đang xem: Face to face là gì

a meeting that you have with someone in which you talk to lớn them directly, not by phone, email, online, etc.
used to describe a situation in which you talk directly khổng lồ another person, not by phone, email, online, etc.:
Where face-to-face attendance at team meetings is difficult, access khổng lồ alternative ways of communicating with other team members will be found.
In face-to-face communication, indicators of emotions, such as facial expressions, are mostly displayed subconsciously.
Ninety-five people volunteered lớn participate and answered a face-to-face questionnaire in the presence of an interpreter, after written informed consent was obtained.
khổng lồ address this question, this study examines referential practice in a particular kind of face-to-face workplace setting, the service counter of a quick print shop.
The qualitative analysis demonstrates how pronoun alternation functions as a contextualization cue in face-to-face interactions.
In general, parents in individualistic societies foster the child"s symbolization and tool use through special moments of play that are organized around face-to-face interactions.
Parents sometimes played with the infant, engaged in face-to-face interaction with the infants, or conversed with the recording assistant.

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First we examined the likelihood of parent & child having face-to-face liên hệ several times a week depending on the class of both parent và child.
Discourse analysis can illuminate how the experience of ageing & later life is lived through face-to-face interaction.
When resources in the healthcare sector diminish, decision makers are brought face-to-face with difficult decisions of prioritizing treatment among patients.
In the contrast, she incidentally but helpfully reminds readers of important characteristics of face-to-face vocal communication.


