the raised part of the floor in a large room, from which you make a speech or give a musical performance:

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Bạn đang xem: Platform nghĩa là gì

Học những từ các bạn cần giao tiếp một giải pháp tự tin.

the type of computer system or điện thoại you are using, in relation to lớn the type of software (= computer programs) you can use on it:
Both Apple"s iOS và Google"s android mobile platforms now have emoji keyboards built into their software.
Politicians’ or political parties’ platforms are the things they say they believe in & that they will achieve if they are elected:
a particular computer giải pháp công nghệ that can be used with some types of software programs but not with others:
a computer/technology/software platform CIM systems are the công nghệ platform of this organization.

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We are currently selling advertisements across several different platforms - web, internet phones, and multiple sections of the newspaper.
The club has now set up its own television channel, aiming khổng lồ launch a paid-for service on an existing broadcast platform before the year"s end.
a platform for sth Every euro spent on kinh doanh and market development will provide a platform for long-term growth and profits.
a strong/solid/sound platform The board believes that the group has a strong platform on which to lớn grow.
The second is that the development of most systems of service provision entails the creation of platforms of activities stretching across sectors & industries.
In every case, by the fourth election winning parties" platforms were located within the đứng đầu 1 per cent of all platforms as measured by centrality.
Indeed, there is no doubt that ballgame players, stepped platforms, và feather markers are represented.
Research into the latter has resulted in the emergence of a variety of platforms và tools that facilitate the creation of agent systems.


